Tuesday, October 4, 2011

SWSLHD and Bowral's Health - 24

Action planned on national PSA testing guideline

THE heated debate about PSA testing is set to intensify, with plans underway to develop a consensus document offering Australia’s first national advice on early detection of prostate cancer.

Cancer Australia CEO Dr Helen Zorbas said experts and key stakeholders would be consulted to develop evidence-based advice and “the NHMRC would be involved in the process”.

“Cancer Australia... undertakes regular surveillance and monitoring of the cancer research evidence to develop advice and inform practice and policy,” Dr Zorbas told MO.
 “Consistent with this activity, we will review and analyse the evidence about early detection of prostate cancer.”

Confirmation of plans for a national guideline coincided with a call last week from Professor Bruce Armstrong from the University of Sydney’s School of Public Health for an “organised approach to prostate cancer screening”.

While key stakeholders – the Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand (USANZ), the Royal College of Pathologists of Australia and the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia (PCFA) – rejected the idea of a national screening program, they agreed there was a need for uniform protocols governing PSA testing.

RACGP spokesperson Professor Chris Del Mar – a public health specialist from Queensland’s Bond University – backed a move for national consensus.

“I personally think it’s time for the NHMRC to take a leadership role in this,” Professor Del Mar said.

He said the RACGP Red Book advice on PSA testing would change if different recommendations were reached by a consensus committee, but he added, “it should be evidence based”.

Speaking at the Public Health Association of Australia conference in Brisbane last week, Professor Armstrong called for the current ad hoc testing to be replaced by an organised approach.

Australia already had a “de facto” prostate cancer screening program, given that the rate of PSA testing was similar to mammogram and Pap smear screen rates, he said.

“The way things are happening at the moment out there – with a high degree of variability, no guidelines – means it is pretty unlikely that under present circumstances the benefits [of PSA testing] are exceeding the harms,” Professor Armstrong said.

USANZ president Dr Stephen Ruthven said they were not advocating government-funded screening for all, but believed men should be educated about the pros and cons of the test.

Dr Anthony Lowe, CEO of the PCFA, said there was currently insufficient evidence for a national prostate cancer screening program but more research about this was needed.


Len Moaven
4th Oct 2011
The MBS stats speak for themselves. Look at item numbers 66655, 66656, 66659 and 66660. For calender year 2010 there were 1.65m claims for these item numbers. Then take into account the grand cone and the temporal restrictions on claiming an MBS rebate then I would add at least another 200 000 'unpaid' tests ie there were close to 2 million PSA tests performed in 2010. Even then taking into account that a proportion of these are related to cancer monitoring etc then we already have de facto screening. Furthermore it would appear that there at least 100 000 tests performed in men under 45y of age.
4th Oct 2011
Doesn't the Profession look like a bunch of dumb heads. PSA testing works, like any good test, as long as you are scientific and thoughtful about it. The RACGP anti-PSA testing lobby should be ashamed for their emotive, non-scientific approach. Your spurious pseudo-scientific arguments about statistically significant findings are just intentionally mishandling of the data. You have to make an effort to find what the data can show you and not just making a sabotaging, passive-aggressive interpretation. The data show you people with cancer have abnormal PSAs, and that is the only result you need to comprehend........... The question is early diagnosis of Cancer. The argument about impotency or incontinence after excessive surgery or operating on a benign Prostate is not relevant to the argument. The latter is just poor decision making, or bad luck and nothing to do with PSA testing. The only question you have to deal with is the Patient has an abnormal PSA ...so what do I do?