Mental health patients lose out under new funding plan
Anna Patty
February 23, 2012
MENTAL health patients would be seriously disadvantaged
under hospital funding arrangements to be introduced in July, health
authorities have warned.
The architect of a system of hospital funding to be introduced in NSW this year says it can't be applied to mental health care.
Leading psychiatrists have also raised serious concerns
the new system of ''casemix'' funding will dismantle mental health
services and encourage patients to use hospital emergency departments
instead of community care.
NSW hospitals receive block grants each year under the
existing funding system. Under the new casemix system to be introduced
in July, hospitals will be funded on the basis of a fixed cost for each
medical procedure, such as hip replacement or a birth.
While the cost of a prosthesis can be easily predicted,
the cost of treating a mental health patient is much harder to forecast
because the length of hospital stay can vary from days to months.
Professor Kathy Eagar, the executive director of the
national casemix and classification centre at the University of
Wollongong, is in charge of developing the clinical codes for the new
casemix classification system.
In a submission to the Independent Hospital Pricing
Authority on the national pricing framework, she says the casemix
classification system must allocate a fixed cost to be fair and
transparent. However she says mental health costs cannot be predicted.
Professor Eagar, who is developing clinical coding to be
introduced in 2013, says the mental health category is the ''worst
performer'' of the whole classification system.
She recommends mental health be recognised as a distinct
form of care to separate it from the care given to other patients
treated in the same hospital ward.
Professor Alan Rosen, a psychiatrist from the
universities of Sydney and Wollongong, said mental health should
continue to be funded under block hospital grants and not on a casemix
basis, until it was fixed, because the existing system would fragment
care and make it hospital-centred..
Tony Sherbon, the chief executive of the Independent
Hospital Pricing Authority, said he recognised the existing system was
inadequate when applied to mental health care. But he said the ''sky
won't fall in'' when it is introduced, despite calls from psychiatrists
for mental health to be exempted for a year until the problems with
casemix can be fixed.
''The casemix [funding arrangement] for 2012-13 will
involve mental health inpatient emergency department attendances and
outpatient services, which is an enhanced version of what has been
operating in Victoria and South Australia,'' he said.
''It needs significant improvement and we will need a new
system on July 1, 2013 which will take into account the issues that
Professor Rosen has been raising.''
Professor Rosen said he was concerned that casemix may not be updated once introduced.
''They shouldn't even consider starting it that way,'' he
said. ''It will encourage people to come into the emergency department
to get short-term crisis work because that will be squarely funded by
activity-based funding.''
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