Sunday, October 23, 2011

SSWAHS = SWSLHD + SLHD and the Medicare Locals - 59

Southern Highlands Division of GPs - Is this its last Hurrah?

A strange thing happened on the way to the Forum a few weeks ago! Sighted coming out of Springett's Arcade into the Oxley Mall carpark was a very distracted CEO of the Southern Highlands Division of General Practice, Dr Warwick Ruscoe. No doubt he was trying to work out if he will have a job (or a Division) after July 1st, 2012.

It has been interesting to follow the fall and fall of the SHDGP and its diehard Chair and CEO. I notice that even the Sydney South West GP Link (formerly the Macarthur Division of General Practice) is being very peripheral in its reference to any possible association with the Southern Highlands Division. Like an afterthought, the reference is tacked on the end of their latest news on their website. Possibly much like their expectation of what they think they can bring to the Southern Highlands.

In his September 2011 SHDGP Newsletter column the CEO says: "Successful applicants to establish Medicare Locals in rounds 2 and 3 are expected to be notified in October or November, for implementation in either January or July 2012." Hope springs eternal in his breast, it seems. Fortunately, the CEO has kept it a very brief comment this time round. Perhaps Dr Ruscoe has seen the fickle finger of fate writing on the wall of his office.

However, the Chair (Dr Vince Roche) of the SHDGP Board was a bit more forthright in the same September Newsletter - well perhaps a lot more forthright in his comments! He says: "In my last piece in May, I wrote that “the pace of threatened Primary Care reform quickens!” I would qualify this now with the further words “for some”!" This was possibly a reference to their failed attempt at convincing that the combined Macarthur-Southern Highlands Medicare Local submission should have been one of the Round One successes. Is this sour grapes? 

Dr Roche states in the Newsletter: "A great deal of time and energy has been invested by Warwick, Sally and myself in getting our Medicare Local (ML) proposal – in conjunction with the Macarthur Division of General Practice (now known as SSW GP Link) – ready for the second application deadline in July. Huge efforts were made to have Bankstown GP Division join Southern Highlands Division and GP Link in this proposal, as Bankstown lies in the ML footprint determined by the Federal Government. However, at the last moment, negotiations fell through and Bankstown again lodged an independent proposal."

What is not stated is that the Bankstown GP Division rejected the advances of the Macarthur-Southern Highlands consortium because they felt that itwas not in the best interests of their consumers. They knew this because they had frequent and extensive community forums with consumers, NGOs and public and private health providers. They also felt that the Macarthur-Southern Highlands proposal did not understand the social demography of their population, nor did it respect the GP and other healthcare providers in the Bankstown area.

Says Dr Roche: "The first 19 MLs were announced in June – and four in NSW. Why four? A cynical observer might postulate that one went to an urban ML (Western Sydney ML), one regional (Hunter Urban ML), one rural (Murrumbidgee ML) and one to an Independent MP's seat (New England ML)." Perhaps the only cynical observer is Dr Roche. Perhaps those four NSW Medicare Locals simply put in the best submissions by complying with all the criteria that the Commonwealth had required. Something which the SHDGP did not.

"The federal Government will announce the successful bidders in October or November, and these MLs will become operational from January or July 2012", says Dr Roche. Alarmingly, Dr Roche is suggesting a: real need to bring GPs from the Divisions into cooperation and participation as leaders in the new MLs, and that experience serving in Divisions over the previous 18 years had created skills in governance, service delivery and population health that few other potential ML Board members drawn from other branches of healthcare would have in the short term." This is the sort of self-promotion which seems to have been the cause of the failure of the Macarthur-Southern Highlands sortie into the Bankstown GP Division's jurisdiction.

Perhaps, the people of the Southern Highlands can do without the entrepreurship and empire building of the Macarthur (SSW GP Link)-Southern Highlands consortium. Let's just depend upon the GP Practices to continue to deliver all the services we need.