Thursday, January 27, 2011

SSWAHS and its allies - Part 4

Having come back from a great Christmas/New Year break Socrates was able to discover that one of the SSWAHS allies had decided upon an interesting Christmas present for the person they have recently been engaged in denigrating and defaming in their blog.

, one might ask, should one blogger be so enraged by another's attempt to obtain a response from an unresponsive Area Health Service, that the blogger should lodge frivolous complaints with the Health Care Complaints Commission (HCCC) in an attempt to damage the other's reputation?

Just reading through some of that person's published comments on their blog and on that of the blog of the person they have attacked, provides the answer to the question "why"!

Fortunately it would appear that the HCCC, in a record for possibly the fastest turn-around for all time, has informed the complainant that they were not willing to take up their complaint. I guess the reasons for their decision were obvious in light of the fact that the complainant publicly incited the action.

It makes one wonder if the person, about whom they had made the frivolous complaint to the HCCC, has any legal redress. In light of recent posts about defamatory comments and vilification posted on the internet, the blogger's actions against the person they opposed could be setting an interesting precedent.

Anyway, one has to wonder whether the mind of the antagonist blogger could be better utilised on their own issues. If you think these actions of the complainant blogger were quite sad - they probably are.